Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dad and Kaylee Bug in the groundhog enclosure.
Angela has no intention of sharing this seal with either of these two shady characters
Angela being brave in front of the HUGE shake tank. Rumour has it that one of these giants was over 300 lbs.

Bingo we caught one!! But is isn't very dangerous looking. what do you think?

I think the little one is scarier than the big one. RRRAAAHHHHRR!!!!

This was the sting ray petting tank. It had these fun little tunnels under the water that lead back to this corner where you could pet the sting rays.

Cutie Angela getting a close up of the underside of Mr. Ray.

Kaylee Bug Braves the tunnel so she can find mom.
Mom and Angela trying to pet the rays. The rays not cooperating very well.

Angela finally gets to tough one of the rays.

This was a beautiful waterfall fountain just outside the entrance to the aquarium at the zoo.

These playful otters where just what we found in most of the animals here at the zoo. some of them where too cold to play a lot but most of them were very playful.

As you can see they had some very big fish in the aquarium. Both Girls loved the whole thing, running from tank to tank to see the big fish.

Kaylee really liked being able to walk on her own and still be able to see all the fish. Angela was very interested in the huge catfish and posed next to the glass so that we could see just how big it really is.

Well that is self explanatory. Kaylee Bug is not even as big as a new born elephant. However she is much cuter.
in this picture I was trying to capture the mom and baby elephants together but my camera hesitated just long enough for the baby elephant to make it off screen.

This picture shows how much Angela has to grow to fit into an elephant foot print.

Angela seems to have made it to Baby Elephant size.

Our dad is not quite as big as an adult elephant but he is almost the same size as Ben (the Quarterback on the Pittsburgh Steelers Football team).

This is one of the big bears that we saw at the zoo. He had bad joints and moved very slowly. so we blew him kisses and told him to feel better.
He had realy big claws.

These two lioness's were enjoying the sun. It was pretty cold out so they realy liked the sunshine.

This big fella walked back and forth across the back fence line. He was calling out to the lions that are back that direction.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Halloween!!
This year Angela wanted to be a princess and mom decide that Kaylee was not going to freeze.
So we had Kaylee Koala

And princess Angela.

She got along with all the other trick or treader's and joined them when they grouped and broke open their treats.

and finally a front picture or our Kaylee Koala

And a pose from our beautiful Princess Angela

Angela's Birthday party Continued...
To distract her from the camera set up, we let her open her other presents and have some cake. As you can tell she really liked the cake.

She also enjoyed her other toys. The stables where a present given her by her mom and dad. Unknowns to her mom (the present buyer) the stables have a working horse washing side.

Not having any horses she got her goat and washed him till the kitchen floor was mostly flooded. Kaylee took to that very well. She seems to have an inherent love of water.

Her cake was decorated with parachuting animals that she got a kick out if having dad toss in the air and watch them sail down. She begged him to do it over and over till finally dad begged to stop on account of loosing feeling in his arm.

All in all Angela seemed to have a very good birthday party.

Welcome to Angela's Birthday party!!
This first set is of her opening her presents from Grandma and Grandpa Seely. A digital camra for kids. She has taken several picture however Mom has not been able to take posetion of it long enough to down load any of the pictures on it. As soon as mom shows any intrest in it she dosen't see anything but flashing and "look mommy look what I took".
She has also been caught reading the Christmas book she got from them. It is her favorite now. She always wants to read about the moving cat. Since one ot the pages has a cat image that moves it is her favorite page.

She was so excited when she saw what it was that she didn't wait for her dad to help her open it. She was having a very difficult time waiting for him to set it up so she could take pictures with it as well.

Hopefully you can see these pictures realy good sometimes they are to small to make out who is who. HOwever this is Angela and her collection of friends. Angela is in the Levi jacket. Her good buddy Abby is in the pink, Rissa is in the Grey and Joslyne is in the black and white. They are all 7 and 8 years old so sometimes there is a rift in the play. But most of the time they have a lot of fun chasing each other around and as you can see playing in the huge pile of leaves. They also like to burry each other in the leaves. Angela and Joslyne spotted an airplain so in this picture they are looking up and to the right. but it didn't last very long before they were right back in the middle of the leaf pile.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

These pictures are of the day we went to work with our dad. He is very spoiled. He has a popcorn maker in his office. So when we went we helped him eat the popcorn.

Kaylee was very happy to have free dibs on the popcorn bowl and stuffed her mouth full. Angela made sure that we all got our fair share.

Needless to say Dad was the only one who got lots of work done. However he didn't get alot of popcorn.

He also has a water machine that Angela figured out how to use, so she made drinks for everyone.

Kaylee managed to find and steel the zebra slipper and carried it around the house most
of the time we were there

This is Kaylee and her first encounter with a dog on her own. This dog belongs to the kind family that invited us over for Thanksgiving. They recently came from Russia so it was fun to see some of the different things they do. Sorry the picture doesn't show the dog very well. She was more interested in food than pictures and kids.
Dear Family and Friends
we just started our new family blog and hope to update it every month. We hope this gives dome insight into our lives and lets you watch us learn and grow. We love and miss you all.