Angela's Birthday party Continued...
To distract her from the camera set up, we let her open her other presents and have some cake. As you can tell she really liked the cake.

She also enjoyed her other toys. The stables where a present given her by her mom and dad. Unknowns to her mom (the present buyer) the stables have a working horse washing side.

Not having any horses she got her goat and washed him till the kitchen floor was mostly flooded. Kaylee took to that very well. She seems to have an inherent love of water.

Her cake was decorated with parachuting animals that she got a kick out if having dad toss in the air and watch them sail down. She begged him to do it over and over till finally dad begged to stop on account of loosing feeling in his arm.

All in all Angela seemed to have a very good birthday party.
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