These pictures are to update you on our very own DANGER CHILD!
The color is not very dark but if you look closely you can see that Angela's whole left side is swollen and slightly bruised.

Since May 1st our dear sweet Angela has has 2 staples in the back of her head (moving truck accidant), 3 stitches in her lip (face meets boiler), a second split lip right in the middle (top lip split somehow jumping on a trampoline), and now a swollen left side of the face.

She accomplished this by riding her new "big girl" bike. Well it is for girls a little bigger than she is. She handled it very well for the first 10 min but then some kind of courage failed her and she ended he riding by crashing into a basketball pole.You can see in the first two pictures that right above her left eyebrow is very red and then very white, that is because she hit herself with the door knob on the way out to take this picture.
Sorry about the very unhappy looks. I kept telling her to hold still and she wanted to eat her ice cream. So when I let her eat the ice cream I got a few happier shots.

Poor poor Angela! Ice Cream helps fix anything and everything! I hope she slows down a bit. :)