Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Easter Morning

 Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy but that is how things look this early in the morning.
 The Easter Bunny decided to come early. That way we could enjoy our Easter stuff over the spring break.
 The Pink basket was Angela's and the frog is Kaylee's
 Kaylee enjoying toys and chocolate!
 We made racing Easter Bunnies.
 The girls where so excited with their bunnies.

Pintrest!!! NAILED IT!!!!
Still can't figure out how to post video.
I may have to email it.



  1. Those racers are awesome! Totally nailed it! Feel free to send me a video . . .

  2. I hope you had as much fun making the bunny-mobiles and the gift location as it looks! What a blast. (Side note: part of me sees the cool distribution in picture 1 and automatically thinks the worst, which involves early mornings and bare feet for Dad...)

  3. Wow I love the racing bunnies! So fun!
